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The Uniqueness of Sport



There are plenty of subjects within the sports industry that I wasn't aware of before I was able to take courses such as sport behavior, sports in society, and legal aspects of sport. My sport behavior course highlighted sport psychology and how psychological factors affect performance and participation in sport. We also examined how sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors. This class involved a great deal of research on subjects like arousal regulation, goal setting, imagery, and routines. It was personally rewarding to learn about the positive impact physical activity has on cognitive advancement.


Legal aspects of sport was another class that explored how the sport industry is so distinctive. The class functioned as an overview of laws that are relevant to sport managers in the sport environment. We covered tort law, contract law, constitutional law, and administrative law that related directly to the operation of sport programs. After taking this course I am now able to articulate specifics of the legal system and their association with sport as an institution. One example of this is my legal issues paper on antitrust cases in sport. I thought the analysis of antitrust in sports was interesting because it involves an abundance of controversial economic issues. After analyzing five different court cases, I realized that every sport league has unique circumstances, like drafts, salary caps, free agency, etc. that are only relevant in sport. To review this paper, please click on the picture to the right of this text. 

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