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Management Experience



Throughout my time at York College I have been able to learn effective management practices and apply them through real-life experience. 


For example, during the fall semester of 2014, my group and I researched, analyzed and critiqued the Baltimore Orioles organization for our sport administration course. This involved writing a detailed research report, making several recommendations to enhance the quality of the company, and presenting our findings. After visiting with several members of the Orioles staff, touring their facility, and thoroughly researching the organization, we came up with four specific recommendations based on best practices in management.  I believe this kind of analysis certainly leads to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. To review this project, please click on the link to the right. 


In addition, I was recently given the opportunity to expand my leadership ability this past summer as a building supervisor at the Grumbacher Sport and Fitness Center. I was responsible for the daily operations of the facility during that time. This included conducting facility walkthrough inspections and facility tours. I also oversaw safety and security aspects of the entire building, such as emergency responses, security checklists, and incident reports. The best part of the job was supporting my fellow students and staff when they needed assistance. Further, I was chosen to take the lead on the creation of a training to teach incoming staff about the Grumbacher's new accountability system for proper employee performance. My supervisor's evaluation of my performance as a manager is available for your review. 

2010 - present

2010 - present

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